The Kingdom Impact Fund (KIF) provides resources for churches who have a vision to reach out to their community but find themselves falling short of those resources, yet eager to see the Kingdom of God flourish in their cities and neighborhoods. The KIF was started with the generosity of Christ followers stepping up to see the Kingdom vision of local churches fulfilled.
How does the KIF work?
A local Bible believing church would submit an application (website) to be completed and signed by both the lead pastor and one elder/board member. A brief cover letter explaining the scope, reason and potential impact of the granted request must accompany the completed application. The Kingdom Impact Fund Team will then review the application and cover letter and determine at that time whether the request qualifies for funding as well as adequate funds being available. Requests will be reviewed on a monthly basis. This is not an emergency or crisis fund. The KIF will fulfill 90% of the requested amount. We ask that the church supply the remaining 10%.
What will happen if our request is granted?
Payment of granted request would be made to the vendor of the resources required. Payments will not be made directly to the requesting organization. All pertinent payment information would be included by the church on the application.
What requests might qualify for funding?
Requests would include but not be limited to those endeavors that would reach outside the church and into your communities. They might include items related to outreach events and relationship building of a repeatable nature that may help transform the fabric of your community and draw people into a relationship with Jesus. They may also fulfill Jesus’ call to do for “one of the least of these” (Matthew 25:40).
Success of your request is greatly enhanced by the amount of information presented.
Click below to fill out an application!